Bob Bly, author of 95+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America's top copywriter”, reveals....

How to Succeed in Internet Marketing ... Without Creating a Product

When you make $100,000+ a year as an affiliate marketer, you never have to worry about money ever again!

Dear Reader:

Perhaps the biggest problem facing newbie Internet marketers today is: “Where am I going to get products to sell?”

If you choose to be an information marketer, you’re faced with the daunting task of writing a 60-page e-book … producing an audio CD album … or recording a professional-looking video.

But the fact is, you can get started in Internet marketing — and even make a six-figure income online — without creating or having any products of your own!

How? By finding products your audience would like … and offering them to your e-list as an “affiliate” of the manufacturer or publisher.

In an affiliate arrangement, you could arrange to sell my e-books to your list of online subscribers. I’ve already done the work of writing, editing, and designing them.

On each sale, we’d split the take: I’d pay you 50% of the cover price, and I would keep the other 50% as my profit.

So if you sold 100 e-books at $39 each, your take would be $1,950.

And you get that with no labor on your part: the publisher is the one who creates the landing page … collects the payments online … writes you a check … produces and delivers the e-book …processes refunds.

As the affiliate, all you do, other than send an e-mail to your list offering the product, is sit back and collect the checks. You don’t need a product, a shopping cart, or even a merchant account. There’s no product delivery or customer service.

Internet marketing superstar Jeff Walker says: “Almost all the online entrepreneurs I know got their start as an affiliate.”

Affiliate marketing can help you make money in another way, too: let’s say you do create an information product. But you have a tiny or nonexistent e-list and very little web traffic. You can go to people with busy web sites — and big mailing lists — and invite them to sell your product to their customers as your affiliate.

You don’t pay any fee for the privilege. If they decide to promote your product to their list, they do it for free.

So how do they make money? From the affiliate commission! You pay them a percentage of the gross (usually 50% on e-books) for every product they sell.

Affiliate marketing made easy

In our 88-page e-book, The Affiliate Marketing Handbook, James Palmer and I show you everything you need to know to succeed as an affiliate marketer.


  • 6 advantages of having affiliate marketing arrangements. Page 3.
  • Recruiting and managing “super affiliates.” Page 63.
  • Must every Internet marketer do affiliate marketing? The answer may surprise you. Page 6.
  • Which is best — open or closed affiliate programs? Page 4.
  • Increase your affiliate income with residual earnings. Page 5.
  • 5 steps to selling other people’s products as their affiliate. Page 13.
  • How to find affiliate programs to join. Page 7.
  • 4 steps to optimizing your affiliate site for search engines. Page 29.
  • Surprising sources of affiliate products. Page 8.
  • Where to find affiliate program and product directories. Page 9.
  • 10 steps to finding potential affiliates to sell YOUR products. Page 10.
  • Affiliate commissions: rates, payment schedules, and methods. Page 15.
  • 7 things to look for when choosing affiliate management software. Page 17.
  • A shopper’s guide to affiliate software programs. Starts on page 18.
  • How to find the right shopping cart with built-in affiliate management features. Page 21.
  • 4 steps to building a high-traffic affiliate web site. Page 25.
  • 10 keys to affiliate marketing success. Page 86.
  • 6 questions to ask before agreeing to promote their product to your list. Page 65.
  • Promote your affiliate site with a blog. Page 31.
  • Drive more traffic with a free e-newsletter. Page 32.
  • Build your e-list using the loss leader strategy. Page 81.
  • How to get a 100% “commission” on every sale. Page 67.
  • Build your affiliate sales by writing articles. Page 34.
  • Making money with PLR (Private Label Rights) content. Page 68.
  • Publicize your online business with press release. Page 39.
  • Should you tell your customers that you are getting an affiliate commission on products you promote to them? Page 71.
  • Affiliate directories and affiliate networks. Page 41.
  • Providing your affiliates with marketing e-mails they can send to their lists to promote your products. Page 44.
  • Generating Web traffic with Google Ad Words. Page 46.
  • Pre-testing landing pages and e-mails. Page 50.
  • Should you hire an affiliate manager? Page 74.
  • How to prevent affiliate commission theft. Page 79.
  • How to allow others to sign up as your affiliate. Page 52.
  • 7 steps to recruiting affiliates with large lists. Page 54.
  • How to contact potential affiliates. Page 56.
  • The 99/1 rule of affiliate marketing. Page 58.
  • 9 ways to keep your affiliates productive and loyal. Page 60.vWhat to do when potential affiliates ask for free product samples. Page 62.
  • And so much more….

My readers say it best!

“You are awesome! I will always come to you first for the products that I need. You have class, integrity, brilliance, naturally gifted, and you are second to none! I am impressed with and appreciate your prompt response.”
--Adella Pugh

“Once in a blue moon, you get the chance to meet a living legend, one of the great men who has shaped his chosen field. In my unending pursuit of powerful marketing, I came face-to-face with just such a man. Robert Bly is America’s Top Copywriter and a genius marketer. He’s authored over 70 books for McGraw Hill and others, and gets paid more per word than nearly every author in America. Like all great men, he is a teacher and mentor extraordinaire. He freely shares the secrets of turning marketing into money.”
--Dick Larkin

“Bob, your stuff is always so good that even though I’m retired now, I have to read it!”
--Gary Bencivenga

“You are someone I’ve grown to admire greatly. You share your knowledge with and encourage people in achieving their dreams, trying new things, and learning tricks of the trade. It’s a rare ‘guru’ in our world today who is thoughtful and kind enough to help up and comers find the path to success. In my opinion, you are the very best. I’m grateful to you.”
--Linda Capriotti

“During the past 20 years, Bob Bly has become one of America’s leading direct response copywriters. He has probably done more to teach other writers the craft of effective and persuasive writing than anyone else.”
--Roger C. Parker

“After considering a number of high-level marketing professionals and reflecting on the matter for several weeks, I made the decision to ask Bob Bly to share the stage with me for my Twin Keys to Wealth-Building Conference. The reason I chose Bob is because I am convinced that he can deliver more tangible value to conference attendees than any other marketing or Internet expert on the planet.”
--Robert Ringer, best-selling author

“I have huge admiration for your work. You’re one of the few guys out there selling real information — and selling it at a reasonable price! I think what you’re doing is head and shoulders above others.”
--Mark Joyner

“To me, the product promos you’ve been sending have plenty of content. I look forward to your e-mails, because they are great idea generators. When an e-mail marketing message from you comes in, I follow it to the pages and then read and digest the sales copy. That alone is a goldmine to me. I love your grounded hype-free style. People should just model your approach and they would be wealthier for it. Thanks a lot for all the good stuff you’ve created over the years.”
--Tom Varjan

“The products I’ve ordered from you have been so good I’ve recommended them to others [and] your price points are very reasonable. Thanks very much for the content, the lessons, and the model to follow.”
--Winnie Anderson

“I get great value from your free materials, so I have no problem with your commercial content coming to me too. I’ve also received good value from the products I have bought from you.”
--Helen Wilkie

“Jim Palmer’s The Affiliate Marketing Handbook is excellent. It’s full of how-to, step-by-step information desperately needed by beginners eager to enter this win-win field.”
--Gordon Burgett

Act now and save $20

Every day I get calls and e-mails from people imploring me to help them get started in Internet marketing.

Well, they’re out of luck. My hourly rate is $500. And with a 20-hour minimum consulting fee, payable in advance, you have to write a $10,000 check to hire me. That’s a lot for an individual just starting out. (I deliberately price myself out of range, because I hate consulting and coaching).

In The Affiliate Marketing Handbook, you get my proven formula for starting a successful Internet business with affiliate marketing. And it won’t cost $10,000 … or $500 … or even $100 to get my system!

That’s because The Affiliate Marketing Handbook has a list price of $49 — and that’s what we’ll sell it for later in the year.

But act now and it’s yours for only $29 … a savings of $20 … less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time.

And that’s the investment you make only if my program succeeds at helping you generate a six-figure spare-time income selling information products online with affiliate marketing.

If it doesn’t, then it won’t cost you a penny. Here’s why….

Our 100% iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction

I totally guarantee your satisfaction with this unique guide to earning thousands of dollars a year selling products over the Internet through affiliate marketing.

In fact, the program can easily pay back its cost more than 10 times over the very first time you use it!

Even better, if you aren’t convinced that The Affiliate Marketing Handbook is the best investment you’ve made in your financial freedom this year….

Or you are unhappy for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just let me know within 90 days.

We’ll give you a prompt and full refund. And you can keep the e-book free with my compliments.

That way, you risk nothing.

So what are you waiting for?

To order The Affiliate Marketing Handbook on a risk-free 90-day trial basis, just click below now:

Bob's signature
Robert W. Bly, Director
CTC Publishing

P.S. Order The Affiliate Marketing Handbook today and you get a FREE 54-page Bonus Report, Get a Jump on the Competition (list price: $29)

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Making more sales with the “next in line” principle — page 48.
  • What David Orek can teach Mickey D’s about selling more hamburgers — page 16.
  • 5 proven strategies for commanding premium prices for your products and services — page 13.
  • The worst Internet marketing mistake you can make and how to avoid it — page 39.
  • How to determine the right fees to charge for your services — page 10.
  • 3 easy formulas for writing money-making e-mail marketing messages — page 45.
  • How to succeed in business by thinking small — page 25.
  • The most important piece of equipment any marketer can ever own — page 51.
  • How a marketer increased sales 60% just by changing the name of his product — page 19.
  • And so much more….

To get your FREE Bonus Report … and to order The Affiliate Marketing Handbook … click below now:

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